.............................................By Mariette Allen
-- part contents for background part 9
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-- part contents for background part 1
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If a lower case “I” needs half the side space that a “b” does, you can assign a b/2 code to the “l” and a relationship is established. So when you start an alphabet, you can set an artibrary spacing for various parts letters or parts of the letterforms, list them in the Parameters window by name or code name, and then assign appropriate relationships between letters. FontStudio automates much of the chore of working through hundreds of kerning pair combinations. (Actually, there are over 47,000 of them, but only several hundred are relevant to good typesetting requirements). It also allows you to import and export text, so you can test kerning relationships.
After outlines, bitmaps and kerning are finished, FontStudio automatically generates downloadable PostScript files and packs Suitcases for the screen fonts. You can generate a wide variety of font and character printouts automatically, for excellent feedback as you develop type, symbols, or logos. It also gives excellent support for the creation of fonts for foreign languages.
FontStudio is one of Letraset’s Studio Line (DesignStudio, LetraStudio, ColorStudio, ImageStudio, and FontStudio), solutions which create a complete and integrated design environment. It comes with two versions: Mac SE/30 or II series with 2 mb ram and 20 mb hard drive, or a Mac Plus version for use with 1 mb ram, 20 mb
hard drive, and the current Apple operating system.